In the beginning...

Ah... virtual world. The concept of Web3D. When I came across Secondlife some weeks ago, saw some comments on it, I decided to sign up to be a resident in the virtual world.
I've been traveling around the world for quite a few months. Hmmm... to date, I have moved around quite a fair bit, been traveling around the landscape, riding bikes and boats, visiting inworld friends and making pacts and joining groups.
I've visited the inworld shops, bought clothings, funitures and even a huge anti-tank gun. Amazing creations by the resident in this virtual platform.
Visiting all those beautiful houses and shops in SL (SecondLife) makes me longing to start my own business. Options are plenty. I can start a reporting service... as a independent broadcast journalist in SL. Or a business owner. There are really many choices, and restrictions are few, quite unlike the real life.
Join me in this blog, as I present the events and beautiful creations and people from SL. :)
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